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Greenguide posts eco-tips for climate-change-related holidays, such as Zero Waste Week and the month of April leading up to Earth Day. .
Apr 9, 2023
Day 10 | Use Slower Shipping
As discussed in yesterday's post, airplanes are atrocious causes of climate change. If you don't have to rush to send someone something,...
Apr 8, 2023
Day 9 | Fly Less
Airplanes are not very eco-friendly at all, less so than cars. They emit 3.15 grams of CO2 for every gram of fuel they use. Consider...
Apr 7, 2023
Day 8 | Plant Native Plants
This garden season, consider planting plants native to your area instead of exotic plants that come from somewhere else. They use less...
Apr 6, 2023
Day 7 | Check Your Faucets
Check your faucets and showers for drips and leaks. If you can't fix them or get them fixed right away, put a container under the faucets...
Apr 5, 2023
Day 6 | Use Heating and Air Conditioning Less
Save energy by using less air conditioning and heating. When you're cold, put on a sweater before you turn up the heat. In winter, let...
Apr 4, 2023
Day 5 | Give Items New Lives
Make a challenge not to throw anything in the trash for a day or a week. Get creative! Turn plastic bottles into planters, use scraps of...
Apr 3, 2023
Day 4 | Choose Alternatives to Plastic
The next time you throw away a plastic object, think of a not-plastic alternative you could use instead. If you drink bottled water,...
Apr 2, 2023
Day 3 | Use Cars Less
Cars that run on gasoline or diesel emit greenhouse gases. A typical vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon each year. Walk or...
Apr 1, 2023
Day 2 | Get Rid of Incandescent Bulbs
Any incandescent light bulbs that you own should be changed out immediately for their more efficient cousins, compact fluorescent bulbs...
Mar 31, 2023
Day 1 | Recycle Your Paper
All of your waste paper should be recycled, unless it's soiled with food, in which case it should be composted. Flattened cardboard...
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