Holiday Tips
Celebrate the holidays in ways that are healthier for the planet.
Consider making your own wrapping paper, or reuse it
Don't use tissue paper
Make your own cards
Don't buy boxes for gifts
Turn out the lights on your holiday tree, if you have one, when you go to bed.
Put on layers or use a blanket instead of turning up the thermostat.
Turn out your outdoor lights in the morning when they'll be less seen.
Consider going to a park, preferably a beach, to pick up trash on a holiday you celebrate to give the earth a gift too.
Make a New Year's resolution to plant one tree each month.
Consider the research that people prefer experiences to physical objects, and take that into account when gifting
Give handmade gifts--they can be simple. How about a book of home-made coupons good for for fun experiences to share, or a jar of small folded notes listing all the ways you appreciate the gift recipient?
Many thrift stores sell second hand decorations and ornaments--check them out for fun one-of-a-kind finds
Carpool, bike, or walk to local holiday festivals and events
Sick of crowded airports at the holidays? Explore whether other modes of transport are feasible.
Giving gift cards? Opt for electronic delivery instead of plastic
Choose your holiday cards wisely--those with metallic embellishments and glitter can't be recycled. Same for envelope lining--stay away from metallic.
Support local businesses vs online ordering from big retailers such as Amazon--packaging and containers account for 28% of the country's trash and just half of it is ever recycled
Food is a great home-made, sustainable gift since it won't go to waste. People may be overloaded with sweets, but how about interesting spices, locally made jams or jellies, themed baskets for a pasta night, movie snacks, or wine/liquor for adults who drink?
How about seedlings in thrifted pots to encourage others to grow plants?
Don't buy cheap plastic "stocking stuffer" toys--instead for small/inexpensive items, how about art/craft supplies (e.g. spools of thread), fun soaps, notebooks? The same list applies for party favors.
Share the reasoning behind your gifts--this is a great opportunity to encourage others to be sustainable.
If you must order online, don't add items just to qualify for "free" shipping and order early so you can opt for slower, more sustainable shipping.